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1. Registered users have the right to use a progressive discount systеm when committing the exchange:

  • 0-99 USD — 0.01%
  • 100-999 USD — 0.02%
  • 1000-4999 USD — 0.03%
  • 5000- 9999 USD — 0.04%
  • 10000-19999 USD — 0.05%
  • over 20000 USD — 0.1%

2. Calculation and payoff within an affiliate program are maintained in United States dollars (USD).

3. The minimum amount for the withdrawal of money earned from an affiliate account is 5 USD.

4. These values ​​of affiliate rewards may be changed from time to time. In this case, all earnings are retained in the account taking into account the previous rates.

5. It should be clearly stated on the services provided by our site on the page where you post information about us. In advertising texts, it is prohibited to mention of a “free bonus” being available on our site.

6. It is prohibited to place an affiliate link:

  • in mass mail (spam);
  • on sites, forcing to open a browser window, or opening sites in a hidden frame;
  • on sites distributing any materials that, directly or indirectly, violate the laws of the Russian Federation;
  • on sites publishing lists of sites with “free bonuses”;
  • Sites that violate one or more of the above rules will be blacklisted for our affiliate program. There will be no payoffs for visitors linked from these sites.

7 . When failing to comply with these terms and conditions, your account will be blocked without making payoffs and explanation.

8. An affiliate is solely responsible for the safety of its credentials (username and password) to access the account.

9. These terms and conditions may be changed unilaterally without notifying participants of the program, but with the publication on this page.

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